Gakuyu-ini Factory is located in the Central Province of the Kirinyaga District, in the Ngariama region of Gichugu Division, near Kianyaga town of Kirinyaga County. It was built in 1982 and rests on a 2-acre plot. The area experiences bimodal rainfall and temperatures ranging from 13-26 degrees Celsius. The primary rainy season lasts from March to May with a secondary rainy season between October and December.
The region’s red fertile alluvial soils play a big role in the excellent cup quality that comes from this area. The harvest area experiences a biennial production cycle with first harvest from April to June and second harvest from October to December. Farmers in this region grow mainly SL28 and SL34 varieties.
Cherry production has risen over time due to improved coffee prices and an ideal climate for coffee production. Fieldwork for factory staff involves sourcing planting materials, weeding, pruning, applying fertilizer, mulching, and offering technical advice through farmer training programs and field visits. On these visits, the field committee ensures farmers are following best-practice guidelines. They also check that coffee is intercropped with the right plants rather than the wrong ones (for instance, they don’t recommend intercropping with maize).
After harvest, all coffee is delivered same-day to the factory for immediate wet processing. Gakuyu-ini Factory pumps water from the neighboring Kiri river to the reservoir tanks for pulping and recirculation. After pulping, the coffee is fermented overnight, washed, soaked and spread on drying tables. The parchment is then frequently turned on the drying tables, sorted, and stored awaiting delivery to the mill. To ensure that the processing is carried out efficiently, the factory has invested in a pulper, a recirculation system, and about 10 conditioning bins.