
Chiroso Imperial / Los Cachimbos

$29.25 USD
This Chiroso lot has a silky mouthfeel, lots of floral notes, and a great balance of citric acid and lychee sweetness. A delicious rare cup of coffee.

Deep within the lush landscapes of Huila, Pitalito, lies Los Cachimbos, a coffee farm embodying the spirit of Colombian coffee culture. Mrs Blanca Ruby Lopez Tibatá, a third-generation coffee grower, oversees this beacon of agricultural excellence, and together with her family, she brings a legacy of knowledge and passion to every aspect of her work.This farm has evolved from its humble beginnings of 5 hectares growing traditional varieties like Caturro, Castillo, and Colombia, into a beacon of specialty coffee production. Nine years ago, faced with fluctuating coffee prices, the Lopez Tibatá family embarked on a journey of exploration and experimentation. Moving beyond the complexities of Bourbons, they delved into cultivating distinctive varieties such as SL-28, Geisha, and more. This pivot marked a significant shift in their farming practices and their philosophy towards coffee cultivation.

The Los Cachimbos farm is a collective effort, with Mrs Lopez Tibatá at the helm, supported by her husband, children, two agricultural engineers, and a quality manager. This team is the farm's lifeblood, embodying a shared commitment to excellence evident in every coffee bean produced.

Region Brucelas > Huila > Colombia
Altitude 1730 MASL
Process Washed
Varietal Chiroso

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